A man going through a rough patch decides to spice up his life by responding to a job offer unlike any other. Can you answer questions in your spicy job interview to make sure your beaver employer is satisfied, while also holding on to your dignity?

Includes 25 fun facts on beavers and 4 different endings.

This short interactive fiction was crafted by Isaac Pante (author of the Barrakuda board game) for the Spicy KAJAM2022.

The Spicy Interview earned THE MOST HILARIOUS AWARD. You can watch the jury award the prize here (31'36'').


Fun facts from : ProNaturaCastor et hommeManimalWorld.netLe castor - l'ingénieur de la rivière8 Fascinating Things to Know About Beavers.
Images creditsEmployee,  Beaver drawings (Isaac Pante), Ending pictures (Isaac Pante & Disco Diffusion, the old one)
Audio assets : Beaver soundsSound of leavesIntro music 1Intro music 2Hurted human 1Hurted human 2Forest sounds.

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